Update to version 2

Thanks for the feedback! 

After receiving well-deserved criticism I changed a few things in the whole concept. Now it's a little less original Lines & Circles from Konline convention but a little more mine ;) I leave the first version so You can see how the game changed. 

To sum it up: 
- clarification of what "Lines & Circles" is has been added, 
- shapes are expectations regarding the relation, 
- shapes can be different for both partners in the relation, 
- starting Bond differes depending on Your feelings toward Partner, 
- positive Bond now have some prompts regarding roleplaying it, 
- some minor changes in the text (I rewrote it to tell You the truth...). 

If you have any more comments, feel free to write! I design games to satisfy my need for creation and to get better at it. Any criticism is appreciated ;) 

Thank You in advance! 


Lines & Circles.pdf 788 kB
Mar 20, 2022
Lines & Circles v2.pdf 790 kB
Mar 29, 2022

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